Board of Education Vital to Student Learning, Student Success

Maxwell Timmer, Staff Writer, Advanced Journalism

“The NDA Board of Education is very important because it has a great effect on student learning and success,” said Notre Dame President Kevin Shaw.

The NDA Board of Education is 13 members chaired by Mr. Evan Lin, a 1990 graduate of Abbot Pennings High School.

Members include Mrs. Kate Burgess, Mrs. Alisa Conway, Mr. Walter Fountain, Dr. Kim Lasecki, Mrs. Gail McNutt, Dr. Tynisha Meidl, Mr. Aaron Popkey, Mr. Jason Salzwedel, Frater Jacob Sircy, Mr. Paul Schneider, Mr. Mark Warpinski and Mr. Eric Witczak.

“The Board of Education is made up of volunteers who lead on the various committees of the board: Finance, Personnel, Curriculum & Student Life, Building & Grounds, Marketing & Communications and Board Formation,” explained Shaw.

The administrative leadership team–President Shaw, Principal Patrick Browne, Associate Principal Greg Masarik, Vice President of Operations Ken Flaten, Director of Enrollment Management Sarah Van Grunsven, Registrar and School Quality Specialist Michele Mahlock and Chaplain Fr. Brad Vanden Branden, O. Praem–works closely with the Board.

The Board uses data to strive for continuous improvement. Their high expectations for student and staff success make that goal a vivid reality. The Board’s decisions on problems going on in the school greatly affect the final say from administration.

The President, Principal and Administrative Team participate in monthly Board of Education meetings by providing activity and progress reports to the board on a variety of topics. Board members offer advice to the staff to maintain, improve and grow the many aspects of operations at NDA,” Shaw explained.

The Board focuses on high standards, a challenging curriculum, high-quality teachers, a top of the line extra-curricular program, and a strong faith component.

“Our Board of Education members and Corporate Members have the utmost commitment and dedication to assuring that NDA is able to offer the best high school Catholic education possible for all our students,” said Shaw. “It’s an honor for me to work with Mr. Lin, Abbot Gary and the entire group of members.”