Meredith James Plans to Pursue Philosophy at Viterbo

Mya Hollihan, Staff Writer, Journalism I

Meredith James dreams of someday going to Viterbo University where she can study philosophy.

James was born in Memphis, Tennessee, then later moved to Wisconsin. Before she came to Notre Dame, she went to Holy Family for grade school and middle school. 

She decided on Notre Dame because it had the best education opportunity for her and her Catholic family. She currently lives with her mom, dad, and brother.  

James, a senior, is involved in various clubs at Notre Dame. These include Writer’s Union, Environmental Club, Book club, and ASTRA. During her junior year, she took IB Philosophy and continues to take these kinds of courses this year. 

Her family is very involved in Covid with her mother being a doctor and her dad working out in the everyday world.  “I miss the classroom environment, but I want everyone to stay safe,” said James. 

Even with Covid-19, she continues to work hard towards her goal to get into her dream college, Viterbo,  located in La Crosse, Wisconsin. 

She came across Viterbo while searching for places to go to school. James said that she fell in love with it at first sight. She plans on getting a degree in philosophy and a minor in English. The college is very faith centered with a diverse and accepting community. 

She has been interested in philosophy for a long time, and many different people have inspired her. 

One such inspirational philosopher was Bertrand Russell. He was alive from 1872 to 1970 and is considered one of the founders of analytic philosophy.    

Another inspiring figure is David Abram. He is an ecologist and philosopher. He works with nature and is best known for bringing together phenomenology and ecology problems.

 “I feel very connected to nature,’ said the senior. This is one of the reasons why Abram is one of her inspirations. 

Mr. Gray is the philosophy teacher at Notre Dame and has also helped James decide her path for the future.

Dedicated to philosophy, she likes to journal about everything she learns along the way. She is excited to continue working hard and learning as much as she can about philosophy and what it brings.