Student Services Coaching, Helping Some Students at School

Sophia Schauer, Staff Writer, Advanced Journalism

For several weeks now Student Service counselors have worked with students who are struggling with online learning.  On Wednesdays the commons, the library and the study rooms in the Student Service hallway are filled with students getting help from teachers in the building as well as Student Service personnel.

Sophia Schauer, advanced journalism reporter, interviewed Mrs. Katie Bialk about the procedure for students to be in the building during virtual learning.

Q. How is Student Services letting kids into school if the school is not fully back? 

A. It was a team effort! We all know that the kids we service are at their best when in person, so we brainstormed how we could make that happen. We looked at who would benefit most from guided support and who was falling behind in their coursework.” 

Q. Do students and parents have to do anything special for them to be in the building?

A. “Their protocols  are somewhat the same as being in school. Parents need to fill out Magnus before coming in, and we follow the same strict protocols that were in place during hybrid learning.  Students are masked the whole time and at least six feet away from each other.  We have documentation of where students work for contact tracing and sanitize between groups.”

Q. How do Student Service counselors feel about being back to school in person?

A. “We absolutely want to be back in person when it is safe to do so. We really need our community to step it up and fast! It is an accepted truth that students and teachers are their best selves when doing in-person schooling, so we need to get to a point where it is safe to do so.”

Q. What is one thing you would say to a student so we all can go back to school?  

A. “Be safe and smart.  Make sacrifices for the good of others.  Socially distance, wear a mask, and don’t have group gatherings.”