Phone-a-Thon Starts, Will Run ‘Til Thanksgiving


Sienna Callaway, Staff Writer, Journalism I

Assistant Director of Development Claire Teitz needs student callers for Phone-a-Thon on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays until Thanksgiving. 

Phone-a-Thon, the school’s second biggest fundraiser, has been going on since 1990 and plays a major role in keeping tuition cost reasonable.

“Our goal of $ 145,000 will cover the difference between your tuition and the amount of money it costs to fully educate all of NDA’s students and keep the school running,” Teitz told the journalism class. 

Last year, Phone-a-Thon solicitors collected $ 220,000, the most ever raised. 

Three alumni donate $ 25,000 a year, which is a great portion of the full amount. 

When you volunteer, you call donors who are parents and alumni who have donated before.

When you arrive as a volunteer, you are trained and receive a script that you can read from as you visit with the person called.

There will also be a sheet of paper with the donor’s  information, so you will know their name. 

The Phone-A-Thon takes place from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. 

“Get a small group of friends to come together to make it more fun,” said Teitz. 

There will be pizza, apples, candy and drinks for all who volunteer. 

“I also get prizes that you will receive if you raise the most money, get the most people that say  ‘yes ‘or  most people that say ‘no,’” said Teitz. 

All volunteers will  be entered into a drawing for a gift card at the end of the year, and service hours are credited for the time spent phoning.

Senior Evie Rickards volunteered during her study hall last year and plans on doing it again this year. 

Last year, Rickards had sixth hour study hall and would call donors because many of them were getting off of their lunch breaks, so they had time to talk. 

“I gained a lot from the past few years of doing Phone-a-Thon. It’s not only helped raise money for our school but it has helped me get better at public speaking and talking to people I don’t know, said Rickards. 

“I love doing the Phone-a-Thon because I usually sit in my office all day, so this is my chance to get to know the students and other people,” said Teitz. 

Rickards explained how important it is to call.

“This affects future NDA students by helping make the tuition more affordable for everyone. Phone-a-Thon has affected me in many ways, and I will never forget all the hours spent helping with the event,” she said.

To sign up as a volunteer, email [email protected], and she will send the sign up sheet to you.