NDA Serves Returns, Scheduled for April 18


Mason Tumpach, Staff Writer, Advanced Journalism

NDA Serves is back and set for April 18, where the entire faculty and student body goes out to serve at various locations in the community for three hours.

The purpose of this outreach program is for Tritons to donate their time doing various tasks and show the community that service is one of NDA’s core values.

“We have 66 agencies and organizations currently looking to have students volunteer their time. They were chosen based on the needs in our community,” said Administrative Assistant to the Principal Jessica Sidon, who organized the event.

Students and staff will be doing activities such as feeding/clothing those in need, helping younger kids in school, cleaning the environment and providing comfort to those near the end of life.

Students must sign up using signupgenius, and if  students do not sign up, they will be assigned a location.

This is a required event, and attendance will be taken in the morning at each location. If a student does not show up, some form of punishment will be given.

“It is our sincere expectation that every student will attend the service site to which they committed. These organizations are depending on us. Real people need us. This is a day to join together to make a difference in our community without hesitation or question,” said Sidon.

The school leadership board decided to bring this event back so all members of the community can experience what makes NDA unique from other schools.

“Unfortunately, due to COVID, many sites were not allowing volunteers, so it was difficult to find enough places for our entire student body. We are fortunate enough to be able to bring this day back for the first time in a few years,” said Sidon.

The event, a concept of the Outreach Branch of Student Government, started with a few students, expanded to 150 students, and then went schoolwide under the direction of NDA President Michael Gross. 

“That was a long time ago,” said veteran English teacher Carolyn Brown, Student Government adviser then.  “Our Outreach Branch adviser, Tracie VanGheem-Rottier, worked like crazy organizing the event for 800+ students and staff.”

“Dr. Gross received so many words of gratitude from the community that he felt all of us should serve.  Back then we did hours all during the day, not just in the mornings,” continued Brown.  “Hopefully NDA students will realize the impact the day can have on the community and on themselves.  When we give of ourselves to serve, the rewards come back in multiplied numbers.”