Josh Goral Earns Scouting’s Highest Award


Maxwell Baek, Staff Writer, Online Tritonian

Many of us have heard of the Boy Scouts of America, but few of us really know what the goals, mission and requirements are for these activities. While every Boy Scout learns survival skills, ways to help others, and giving back to the community, some students have shown such commitment and dedication to the program that they have reached an even higher scouting level: Eagle Scout. 

NDA senior Josh Goral, a newly minted Eagle Scout, exemplifies what is meant and what is required to achieve scouting’s highest award. 

Josh started in the Boy Scout program at a young age and knew almost immediately that he wanted to reach the famed Eagle Scout rank. 

“I joined Cub Scouts the first year you could join,” Josh explained, “and when I learned about becoming an Eagle Scout, I made it my goal to work hard to achieve this rank.” 

It’s easy to say that you’re willing to do hard work to achieve a goal, but to follow through is another matter entirely. One does not become an Eagle Scout just by being in the troop for a long time. A series of ranks must be earned along the way. 

To achieve these ranks, Josh explained, “includes the time spent in a leadership position in the troop, as well as physical skills such as cooking or tying a knot.” 

Once these skills have been mastered, each Eagle Scout hopeful must complete an Eagle Scout Project that gives back to the community. For Josh, it was building a Buddy Bench for St. Bernard’s Elementary School. This highlights how the Eagle Scout mission isn’t only to make yourself into the best individual possible, but also to help others along the way. 

Goral echoed this idea, saying, “I have learned so much about myself and what it means to be a good person.” 

Finally, after years and years of dedication, the Eagle Scouts are rewarded with the Court of Honor ceremony, a traditional celebration to recognize the accomplishments of the scout. 

Now that Josh has achieved this wonderful feat, he has turned his sights onto the next step of his growth. 

“I plan on going to UW-Stevens Point to study Conservation Law Enforcement in the College of Natural Resources,” he said. 

Clearly, his time in the Scouts has given Josh a connection to nature and wilderness, and he will be moving on to learn more about how to protect the environment through legal proceedings.