Letters to Editor on BYOD

Dear Editor,

In my opinion, the Bring Your Own Device policy has its advantages and disadvantages. The upside of the BYOD is that you have a device at your fingertips. If a word, person or thing needs to be looked up in class, students can have the answer pulled up in seconds. Students have the ability to write essays and answer online discussions instead of having to go to a computer lab. They can have work days on a project and have all the necessary materials right in front of them. Bringing your device can make the life of a student and teacher easier. Today, many things are starting to go online, even textbooks. When the students bring a device, they can view online textbooks, worksheets and do online activities.

However, there are also some disadvantages to bringing your own device. One downside of the policy is that students misuse their devices. They text, play games, watch movies, cheat on tests, and do other work in class. Teachers turn a blind eye to students abusing the policies, so the misuse of the devices continue day after day. Students are missing out on class activities and aren’t paying attention anymore. Some days teachers become lazy and let the kids watch a video or take a work day for the whole class period. Some students can end up with an entire day filled with work time instead of learning the material of the course.

Overall I feel that the BYOD policy could use some polishing, but bringing your own device is a good thing. It is helping students become more technology involved and will assist them in the long run in life.

Ava Vande Corput


Dear Online Tritonian Editor,

I have a very strong feeling for the BYOD policy; I am not quite sure whether I have a good feeling about the policy or I want things to change. Sometimes, I wish things were different about it, but others I am completely okay with all the guidelines.

I believe that in study halls students should have a little bit of leeway with their BYOD devices, like being able to play games or watch videos or TV shows if all their homework is done, and they do not have any studying to do. However, some teachers say that students should always have homework, but in reality that is far from the truth. Obviously there can always be certain material you can go ahead on but nobody really wants to do that, and that happens often, meaning that students should be able to do other things in study hall that don’t always require all their brain energy.

In other cases, the BYOD policy has been very beneficial. Being well aware that students are not always doing what they should be doing can also be considered as an issue. But, I hope the study hall policy can be taken into consideration and be set as a privilege.


An NDA student


Dear Online Tritonian,

I believe that the BYOD policy of Notre Dame improves learning and cuts costs.The way students can share their papers and online assignments cuts the cost of paper and ink that students use to print. The students also get a better learning experience online when they are able to watch videos on the material they are learning.

The downside to BYOD would be that some students do not value the privilege as much as others. Some students do not do what is assigned and watch movies and play games which cannot always be monitored by teachers.

Gabe Gutierrez


Dear Editor,

Regarding the school’s policy of BYOD, I would like to provide some personal suggestions.

We all realize there are many problems that have arisen since this policy started.  The school has no control over what students are doing on their devices besides banning a couple websites. And devices become a big distraction when students are doing work on it. However, schools should notice the benefits of this policy to students and teachers. High school education is supposed to aim toward preparing students to be ready for college and today’s high-tech society. Internet has obviously become the most common information-gathering tool. On the other hand, students won’t survive if they are not familiar with the internet. Rather than ban devices, schools could provide more education of how to use it correctly.

Overall, we should keep the policy and even push it further.

Tian Zhanchi


Dear editor of the ONLINE TRITONIAN,

The BYOD policy really does help students work more efficiently. While many of the students at Notre Dame may go on sites they are not supposed to be on, the majority of the people do their work. A way that BYOD helps students is by having faster access to computers if they need to write papers or need to look up information quickly.  

Many of the classes at school use their BYODs everyday and use their time wisely in class in order to not have homework outside of class. Many of the students forget to charge their laptops the day before or something randomly happens to theirs, and they need to borrow one. The library has plenty of laptops that students can check out in case of an accident.

The teachers like the BYODs because they don’t have to reserve the library for a couple of days. It makes it easier to give assignments and have them be done faster. The BYODs have helped people improve in taking notes faster and clearer. This is why they have been a good help to staff and students of NDA.

Denice Aispuro


Dear Online Tritonian,

Whether it is a good thing or not, the Bring Your Own Device Policy is sweeping the country’s schools. Some of the obvious downfalls to our new technology-driven curriculums include a new possibility of cheating, limitless distractions and a potential increase in the gap between financially privileged and struggling students. However, the benefits far out way the consequences.

Students now have a familiar way to organize their notes, conduct research and continue their learning outside of school. In many cases, such as NDA, schools take money that would have been spent on technology and redirect it to other productive things. In the end, the presence of technology excites students about learning and maximizes enthusiasm in the classroom.

Ryan Ehlinger 2017


Dear Editor,

My position on the BYOD policy is that it should stay. The only suggestion I could make is that teachers should use it more. The BYOD policy helps students be more.  For example, if a student needs to look at a powerpoint for notes they missed, they can go back and get the notes themselves if it is on Haiku. BYOD also helps with turning in assignments. I used to have to go to the library to share something if I forgot to, where now I can just pull out my BYOD and do it. I also enjoy BYOD for the aspect of organization. I tend to lose papers when handed out, so I scan them into my computer to help organization so I know that notes are always on me in school, and do not have to worry about paper being lost or crumpled. This is why I enjoy the BYOD policy.

Brady Kurowski


Dear Editor,

I think that BYOD policy has its good and its bad. I like it because it is really easy to get homework done like type papers and do the homework that requires a laptop. During study hall, it is nice to be able to get homework done and type papers. I can just get my BYOD out and start. I don’t like taking notes on my computer, especially if I have to use my notes to study for a test; it is easier to take a notebook out and study than to take my BYOD out and study.

BYOD can also be distracting. I get off task easily and wander on to something other than my homework. I don’t really like BYOD, and I wouldn’t be mad if they got rid of it. It would be hard because I am kind of use to it, but I like the old school textbook and notebook and will use a notebook for my notes for as long as I’m in school.

Ian Spaulding


Dear Editor of the Tritonian,

Regarding your “BYOD” article from December 7, 2016, I believe that BYOD has been a positive change for Notre Dame Academy. BYOD has allowed students to become much more efficient in their school work. It has significantly decreased the amount of time that students spend taking notes and graphing data, and it has given students access to the internet without having to leave the classroom. BYOD is a positive change for the teachers as well. Teachers no longer have to compete for a lab for students because students are now able to work on their own computers without having to go to the lab. BYOD is not only beneficial for high school educational purposes, but it is also beneficial for students who plan on attending college. BYOD prepares students for college by exposing them to technology in the classroom prior to college. Technology is crucial to success in college, and it is important that students learn how to use technology properly.

Rachel Sladky


I believe Notre Dame Academy has enhanced its learning in regards to the new Bring Your Own Device policy (BYOD) here. With students now able to bring their own personal devices such as a laptop, ipad, tablet or chromebook, there is a possibility for better note taking and quicker, easier research. I personally love the fact that I can take out my ipad, open my Google docs to type notes or  even check my school email. Being able to use my device at school has saved me time on homework, such as when I have to write a paper. I can work on my paper in school and not have to worry about waiting to go home to use the computer. The free-wifi the school provides for each student is great and works well around the entire school. We are very fortunate that our school has extra available devices in the library to check out for the day if a student does not own a device or simply forgot his at home.

As a senior it is my first and last year of using this new policy, but with a few improvements I could see BYOD benefiting students at Notre Dame for a long time.

Carly Noble


Dear Editor,

I believe that the new BYOD policy is a great addition to our school.  The BYOD policy has helped the students be more successful, time efficient, and productive.  It allows students to get more homework done at school and having this policy allows students to have resources on them at all times.  This policy has helped students and allowed the teachers to plan more in-class activities, not needing to go to the lab for projects.   However, some teachers feel they are “patrolling” the students to make sure they are using their device appropriately.  Many teachers do agree, though, that this new policy is a great resource.  

The BYOD policy allows students of all financial situations to be able to use a device.  If a student can not afford one, or forgot his, he can borrow one from the library.  This helps all the students feel equal.  Overall the BYOD policy is a great addition to our school.  It helps kids be more efficient and allows teachers more in-class work time.  Some students can get off topic and not use good time management skills, but it still is a great resource and is enjoyed by many.  


Kassie Baeten


Dear Online Tritonian,

The BYOD policy may be misused but it is definitely a benefit to the students and the schools. A lot of schools are skeptical about using the BYOD policy. They might think that the students will misuse their freedom to use an electronic device to play games and lose focus on the class that is being taught. Schools may mistrust students but the BYOD policy is actually benefitting both the students and the school.

Students will benefit from using an electronic device during school because it will improve organization, improve efficiency, and increase the number of resources available.

Nicholas Messerschmidt